
EON Reality Certified Advanced XR Developer

2023 NEW INTAKE |  CENTEXS Kuching

EON Reality Certified Advanced XR Developer is been designed to bring Immersive Technologies solutions to as many people around the world as possible through XR Developer talent development. The objective of this programme is to build individual competencies and capabilities in developing solutions, applications, and platforms based on demands and necessities.

The programme consist of two part :
Part 1 : Class learning (4 months)
Part 2 : Project -based learning (6 months)

Learning Outcome

At the end of the programme, the trainees will be able:

  • To build awareness and understanding of modern interactive and immersive technologies
  • To understand and implement the business processes and Scrum Methodology
  • To develop 2D and 3D interactive and immersive applications for specific educational subjects with subject matter experts
  • To understand the Geometry Conversions & Optimization including CAD & DCC
  • To do internal demos and content development with involvement use of immersive hardware
  • To involve in collaboration with professional development studios and commercial types of projects
  • To involve in projects based on the development path and learning objectives of the working teams
  • To receive knowledge transfer, skills building, and preparation for digital sector carriers
  • To gain experience and increase the employment capabilities in the XR sector
Entry Requirement

Bachelor’s Degree in Multimedia, Computer Science, or related fields, or equivalent

Career Pathway
  •  XR/AR/VR/Unity/Game Developer
  • 2D/3D/UI/UX Artist/Designer/Modeler
  • Digital Designer | Technical Artist
  • Storyboard Artist/Designer
Course Structure

This course is divided into six (6) main topics as following:

Topic 1
Introduction to XR Market
Topic 2
Creation of The XR 2D and 3D Assets
Topic 3
Interaction Design for XR (AR/VR) Applications
Topic 4
Programming Techniques (C# and Unity)
Topic 5
Mobile XR Application (AR and VR)
Topic 6
Development for Immersive System HMD
Why choose us

We're HUAWEI certified training partner!

Training Duration
Training Duration
4 + 6 Months
Delivery Method
Delivery Method
Physical Class/Online
Course Fee
Course Fee
RM 21,050
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